Джон(((Dear Members,
As some of you will be aware, John Ashdown-Hill’s health has deteriorated in recent months. We have now been given permission by John to advise members of the present situation. We do so in order that you may understand why John is now unable to accept bookings for talks. However, John is still working on books and articles. Also, following his recent talk at Middleham, in which he added much more text to his Powerpoint slides, John is hoping to post updated versions of some of his talks on his website, so that, if they wish, Branches and Groups could access that material for a presentation which would not require John himself to come and speak.
John has been diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease (MND). In his case this makes speaking and eating difficult, and John is losing weight. The Society will offer John what support it can, at the same time sending him its best wishes and positive thoughts. Clearly, we cannot ask for a recovery, but we can hope that the remainder of John’s time will be comfortable and free of pain.
If you do send John messages of support, please do so in the understanding that you may, or may not, receive a response. We can be sure though that John will appreciate knowing that the Society wishes him well.
The Executive Committee
Richard III Society
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